Just so you are aware, I'm really only blogging about this because well, you all will eventually find out about this sooner or later, and I figured this was easier then telling some of my family in person. haha:)
Yesterday(Friday), I was supposed to be at work around 8:30. I was really supposed to be there at 6:50ish, but the night before(Thursday) we had a storm and the people I babysit for had gotten some major wind damage at their house. Since the mom was away for work, the dad just decided he work just go to work a little bit later Friday morning, that way he could stay up Thursday night and pick up/fix/clean some of the damage. I think, that if the storm hadn't of happened I probably wouldn't have stopped. justsaying. :) But, that was why I didn't have to be there that early.
Already running late because I hadn't been paying attention to the time while getting ready, I knew that I would be a little late. Well, I was a lot later than I thought I would be. I had my cruise set at 70, on what I thought was a 65 mph road on my way there. Guess What! Turns out though the speed limit is not 65 mph, but actually only 55mph. :/ Yeah, didn't know that. Hhhh.
For your info, I am really a cautious driver, I've always disliked driving by police cars, having one pass by me, or anything like that. So you can only imagine how nervous I was when I stopped and realized, oh crud, I don't have my license with me. :/ Oh, it gets better. He told me his name, asked me my hurry, told me why he stopped me, blah,blah,blah. Then asked for my license and insurance card, which then I explained my little situation and then got the card. Guess What! that wasn't the current card. :/ Then, I have to tell him all this info because I don't have anything with me, all while on the inside I'm flipping out.
While he is in his car, doing whatever he does, filling out my ticket:( , I first inform Nathan that I'm going to be a little bit later than planned, then text my mom and let her know what happened. Not the best feeling in the world, let me tell you.
I ended up at work around, 8:45?, talk about not on time. After finishing telling mom all about this and answering all her questions, she just said that these things happen and wasn't upset, thank goodness. I then went on to tell my dad about the ticket and do you want to know his response?
"Well, now you have something to blog about."-My dad. :) ha.
So there you have it, my first speeding ticket. :( My first time breaking the law. Another item with a big ole X next to it on my list. Since 'breaking the law' is now checked off, I plan on paying for the dumb thing and trying never to do it again.... Or at least not get caught doing it. ;)