Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why, hello there officer... :/

So for my life I have this list, something I call a bucketlist, of things I would like to be able to do/accomplish before I finally get to meet my Lord. It includes multiple things, such as skydiving with friends Blakey Poo and Claudia!, traveling the world, creating a blog-completed, and just another one for kicks and giggles, breaking the law. This last one, I accomplished yesterday morning on my way to work. :/ Trust me, I didn't plan on checking this one off for a verrrryyyyy long time! An honestly I was thinking more along the lines of something like, not wearing my seat belt while driving when I wrote this particular one down on The Bucketlist.

Just so you are aware, I'm really only blogging about this because well, you all will eventually find out about this sooner or later, and I figured this was easier then telling some of my family in person. haha:)

Yesterday(Friday), I was supposed to be at work around 8:30. I was really supposed to be there at 6:50ish, but the night before(Thursday) we had a storm and the people I babysit for had gotten some major wind damage at their house. Since the mom was away for work, the dad just decided he work just go to work a little bit later Friday morning, that way he could stay up Thursday night and pick up/fix/clean some of the damage. I think, that if the storm hadn't of happened I probably wouldn't have stopped. justsaying. :) But, that was why I didn't have to be there that early.
Already running late because I hadn't been paying attention to the time while getting ready, I knew that I would be a little late. Well, I was a lot later than I thought I would be. I had my cruise set at 70, on what I thought was a 65 mph road on my way there. Guess What! Turns out though the speed limit is not 65 mph, but actually only 55mph. :/ Yeah, didn't know that. Hhhh.

For your info, I am really a cautious driver, I've always disliked driving by police cars, having one pass by me, or anything like that. So you can only imagine how nervous I was when I stopped and realized, oh crud, I don't have my license with me. :/ Oh, it gets better. He told me his name, asked me my hurry, told me why he stopped me, blah,blah,blah. Then asked for my license and insurance card, which then I explained my little situation and then got the card. Guess What! that wasn't the current card. :/ Then, I have to tell him all this info because I don't have anything with me, all while on the inside I'm flipping out.

While he is in his car, doing whatever he does, filling out my ticket:( , I first inform Nathan that I'm going to be a little bit later than planned, then text my mom and let her know what happened. Not the best feeling in the world, let me tell you.

I ended up at work around, 8:45?, talk about not on time. After finishing telling mom all about this and answering all her questions, she just said that these things happen and wasn't upset, thank goodness. I then went on to tell my dad about the ticket and do you want to know his response?
"Well, now you have something to blog about."-My dad. :) ha.

So there you have it, my first speeding ticket. :( My first time breaking the law. Another item with a big ole X next to it on my list. Since 'breaking the law' is now checked off, I plan on paying for the dumb thing and trying never to do it again.... Or at least not get caught doing it. ;)


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lake!/Life! hehe...(:

Hannah, Mom, and I having been dying to go to the lake for the longest time. So when the opportunity came to go yesterday, we took it!( :

Hannah had a softball game in Coldwater last night to play and the ball diamonds are conveniently located right next to the lake.: ) We got into the lake around 2:30 and ended up staying until about 10 minutes before her game at 6. There were hardly anyone there and maybe like, three boats/jet ski's (I want one sooooo bad!)so it made the afternoon very calm and quiet. Funny story: One guy on a jet ski came over to load his up, as he was coming back over mom turned around and goes, "Madison! did you right on his jet ski?!?!" I was like I didn't touch it! I was only looking! Ha she came into the water after he left and told us, the front of it had Madison written in the dirt on it! I was like maybe he named it....? like people do cars? : ) guess you just had to be there.

With us we took my friend, Claudia,one of the foreign exchanges at our school this year, and although it wasn't her first time at the lake she said she had lots of fun. Ha she tried to teach Hannah and me a few German words, but that didn't turn out sounding to pretty. Hannah did actually do pretty well at repeating them after her tho! On a sad note, Claudia leaves the 28Th this month. : ( I'd like to say that We have gotten pretty close over the past school year, and I am definitely goinng to miss her. I don't think she's quite ready for her to leave either. She's gotten close to some us just here recently, that she wishes could of happened earlier in the school year. :/ Buttttt on the bright side!, she does plan on visiting soon! : )

Hannah's team didn't end up winning but they did play their little hearts out. Plus only like three girls have even played since t-ball, so none of us are expecting a win every game, just hoping that they have fun playing and want to again next year! Hannah did well, she could have had a home run again!, but decided for the first time to listen to her coach and stop at third. hhhh. Maybe she'll have one in the next game!
Alsooooo, dad if you read this before you get home Thursday, tell Ronnnie to send you home early! We all miss you very muchly! And agree that you need to get your butt home!! (he's been gone all week this week, all of last week, and had to work both Saturday and Sunday. :/)

Well, anyways I must finish this post up now. I have to go to work :) Thank goodness it wasn't a real early morning today! I'll fill you all in on our crazy? sometimes dull? life some other time. :) ttfn....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sigh..... I'm so sorry.. :( I know its been like month since I last blogged. :/ I hate to say this, but I'm almost as bad as dad was with slackin on keeping you all updated. Almost. Not quite. So I guess I'll just allow this post to be about, well everything. So, I'm going to warn you now that this could definitely be a long blog. And I'll try to get more consistent in the future.

I'm SIXTEEN! WOO HOO! No, it doesn't feel any different from being 15. Other than the fact that I'm still calling myself 15 occasionally . :/ I don't wanna grow up! haha.... Sorry but this movie line just has to be thrown in, it kinda goes with not wanting to grow up? lol....
" I don't want to go to school, I wanna stay home and bake cookies with you mommy."
:) Name that movie?---- If you're like my boyfriend, who doesn't ever watch movies,you won't be able too..Buttt, its Space Jam. You know, with Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny playing basketball? :)If you haven't seen it, you should watch it. Come on over you can watch it with me and Brian. He hasn't seen it, or the Gooonies?!? I mean who in the world hasn't watched the Goonies.? butttt that's completely off topic. Sorry I'm kinda random and not very good with staying on track.
ANYWAYS! I got some wonderful presents for my birthday, Hannah made me a gorgeous stain glass window of a cross and bible verse.( I heart crosses! No certain types in particular, I love all styles. I have like 15 on my wall already.:) ) Mommy and Daddy got me a new blanket I've been begging for, for like ever and more crosses!. Also a huge, 41 pictures, frames. I have yet to attempt to fill it all. Oh! and Itunes cards from family! Those are already all used up. Music is amazing:) I also got my last precious moment figure. :( It's so pretty!
I should probably included my picnic, mom could possibly be very upset if I do not. She arranged it all:) I have the best mommy in the entire world, no lie. She had Brian come kidnap me for a couple of hours to take me to his pond, for a picnic. very sweet. <3 Plus, after we left she, Taylor, Hannah, and dad began filling a ton of water balloons for a surprise water balloon fight with all my friends. It was great, I have some amazing friends and an awesome family, all whom I love.
School is finally over! Wittle Hannah is now in 6th grade, officially in junior high. :( She's getting so big. :'( I'm now a Junior. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about it so far. Summer is here though! We're all excited about that! I think none of us were mentally in school for about the last 3 weeks, only physically there..... Goodbye homework and boring classes! Hello scrapbooking, sleeping, and swimming! :)
Guess who is playing softball this year?!? that is correct, my baby sissy! I'm so excited! haha. She decided to play fast pitch softball this summer with some friends. Trust me, Hannah is a beast. Seriously. I think the only thing she doesn't like about it is her number, which is 6. Her actual words to me about the number 6 were, literally, " Oh, look at me! I'm tiny, wittle number 6. I don't do anything, I'm so cool. NOT." Mom has mutual feeling towards the number as Hannah. I think they were hoping for number 17, like Marla, Colby, and Bubba had. Other than that I think she is happy about playing. They lost their first game 14-22, which I honestly think was rigged. I have yet to figure out how the other team pulled it off, but it was. She plays again tonight in Bucklin, this one will most definitely be a win. Also she doesn't know this yet, but she is going to have a home run tonight. I can feel it in my bones. :)
As for softball, guess who's playing this weekend? Me:/ I am super duper nervous about this. I haven't played since like t-ball. So, it'll be interesting.
So far, mom and dad have been pretty busy working this summer. If they aren't working, you can usually find them watering/planting/outside messing with the flowers, if they can't be found in the house. :) the backyard is so pretty with all the flowers.
Well, that's all I have for now. I think, hmmm... Oh! I know! My Mommy's birthday is coming up! :) The 28th to be exact! I don't know her thoughts about that tho. :) haha I love you mommy!