Happy Birthday! I feel extremely bad for missing this date in particular, Grandpa Thaine's birthday waas the 7th of December. Actually, I started like 2 different blogs on it but never got around to posting anything:( But better late than never!
Like I said his birthday was the December 7th and would've been 79 years old, I believe. The one thing I can remember most about Grandpa was that he would always tell us girls( Hannah and I ) that we were built like basketball players. :) Now, every time I play or even just go and watch Hannah play, I think about that. Also, He was always so happy and that he liked to tell us stories! Every time we went and visited him he would smile the whole time. We love and miss you Grandpa, so much.
CHRISTMAS WITH THE KLUSMANS! haha:) This year we all went up to Kyle & Jen's house for our family Christmas on Dad's side. We ended up with lots of presents and I had a blast playing with all the little kiddos:) Oh, how I love them! They prepared some great food, and it was fun just to hang out with everyone that day. We ended up with both Ava and Anna's names, so we got both girls animalpillow pets and I also got Ava a bracelet kit. I think they liked it all:) Especially Anna with her monkey pillow, she held on to it the whole time or she was sliding around on her tummy on the floor with it. :)
CHRISTMAS! woo hoo! I love Christmas time! this is also something I was planning on blogging about and just didn't get around to it. Santa and Mom and Dad were very good to Hannah and I. I'm pretty sure we both got everything we asked for. Santa brought Hannah a Basketball goal, which she has been asking for this we lost our other two and I got a new camera!, among many other things. We also got these cool drawing things, they're all black then you take a special marker, and the color underneath appears! Ha, pretty sure they're meant for like 7 yr olds, but I love them!:) We put up a total of 11 trees this year, all with their very own theme, and right now we are in the process of taking them all down. :( Although the main tree and my tree in my room will be up as long as I can keep Mom and Dad convenienced that they shouldn't come down yet. When we take all the decorations down our house just feels so blah and empty.
InDepth! Hannah and I went to a youth group conference, that's held in Topeka, with our bible study group over break. I went last year, loved it, and pretty much forced Hannah to go this year! Soooooo very glad we went! We went up Thursday, the 29th and came come on New Years Eve. We spent most of our time listening to different speakers and listening to the amazing band, Down Here, perform. Hannah didn't feel good Thursday night or Friday morning, so she spent some time Friday at Marla and Justin's house relaxing and resting. She later joined back up with us Friday night and I'm so thankful that she felt good enough to come back later that night. Annndd I must tell you all something else about Friday night, too! My little sissy, gave her life to Jesus that night!! :) You have no idea how happy I was and am for her! Tears of joy started falling when I found out! Pretty sure I was almost more excited about it than her! She pretty much made my entire Christmas Break. :) I love You Hannah!
New Year's Eve! We ended up riding back to Sun City that day with Marla, Justin, and Hayden. Mom's side of the family all got together at the old gym(just like old times:) ) to celebrated a family Christmas. It's been awhile since we've all gotten together like that and it was a blast! There was tons of food, plenty of games, and lots of talking that night! When midnight finally rolled around, Sammy, Hannah, Molly, Emily, Easton, and I all went over and rang the church bell twelve times.:) Easton thought it was great! Mom later informed me that, when she was a kid they all did the exact same thing. I can't wait to do it all again next New Year's Eve!
Well that's everything, I think! Sorry that it's so long! Haha, I guess I'll have to just start blogging more regularly now, that way they are shorter posts! I'll just have to start a list of topics I can right about! LOL.
- Madi :)