Sunday, we took our time getting around. After all, Saturday had been a long day in the car. After eating breakfast and letting the girls have more water time, I think they are part mermaid, we headed for Mt Rushmore.
It's been about 22 yrs since I had been here before. A lot looked different. Not the mountain, but the visitors center looked different to me. There is also an ampitheatre where they do a nightly light show. There is also a walking trail that goes around the base and you can take pictures from several vantage points. After making a required deposit at the gift shop, (shirts, postcards, books), it was off to Crazy Horse.
This was a little disappointing. I know it is a much bigger scale than Mt Rushmore, but hey, they have been working on it for 50 yrs. I don't know if it will ever be completed. Other than the head being done, it looks like it did the last time I was here.
After we left Crazy Horse, we took in the scenery and headed back towards Rapid City. Along the way we saw a lake that Madison thought was probably where they filmed parts of National Treasure 2. Going through Keystone, Susan saw a sign for Old Tyme Photos. Now, this is something I have done in the past with family and friends, and was something I had wanted to do with the four of us. So, I turned around, made arrangements and as they say, the rest is history. We ended up with two photographs. You check them out and see for yourself. Today, Monday, we are heading East. Going to Omaha NE and their zoo.
Those pictures are AWESOME! :)