Thursday, March 31, 2011


What do you get when you have 53 minutes of pure boredom(biology)?...... An agenda book full of countdowns!(: let me show you what i mean. haha
  • 41 days until my sixteenth birthday!!! Now, I have been looking forward to my sweet sixteen since fifteenth birthday. Okay, maybe not that long, but for quite awhile, I mean its my SWEET SIXTEEN!(: I have I mentioned I just a tad bit excited? haaa the main reason of this is because I am one of the youngest kids out of my group of close friends..there's only one other younger than me. Yes, I still consider myself a kid, even tho most teenagers would not like being called so. I say that until I'm not living with my mommy and daddy I am still considered a kid.
  • 16 days- PROM!...what else is there to say about this topic? I mean seriously its prom. Besides the fact that, I get to feel like a pretty princess in a very pretty dress and have a absolute blast with a great group of friends.
  • 28 days- Until Band Trip! We're going down to Texas For 4 days, and its something I've been looking forward to since I started band. No, I don't consider myself a band geek, for those who don't really know me..but I love music, and enjoy band quite a lot.:) We'll go to six flags- I lllloooovvvveee rides,especially rollar coasters. We plan on touring the Dallas Cowboys Stadium and attending a baseball game. I'm thinking about sitting the game out the game tho.
Well there you have it. I would have to admit that it was a very productive 53 minutes of my lifetime!
Oh and another thing I'm very pumped about is..... being a SPANISH DANCER:) during this year's Peace Treaty that takes place in Medicine Lodge. This one isn't present on the countdown because it'll take place in September. I've wanted to be one as long as I can remember and finally convinced Hannah Banana to be my partner in it. I love her.(: She's the best. Well I'd say that's plenty for tonight. Thanks for listening, or rather reading I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Hannah! =) I think her big sis is pretty smart, too!!
