Monday, April 11, 2011

Time To Praise The Lord, Time To Represent! :) --I Love My Jesus Deep Down In My Heart!

First off sorry bout the super duper long title!This weekend,was probably the longest/most amazing/most spiritual weekend ever! I attended my first and definitely not my last FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Conference, where they pack what feels like 3 weeks worth of activities and worship into two days. I got to meet amazing people, learn about Jesus anddddd gave my life to him!(:

Saturday, at FOUR in the morning, us five kids and our FCA leader left to go spend the following 36 hours at the Rock Springs 4-h Center. Its was about a four hour drive there. We arrived at about 8:30ish and I begin my day, a day that felt like an entire week packed into one.

The first thing I see is 54 college kids(our huddle leaders) yelling at each other, standing on a rock wall, and singing songs. Then I notice that there's like 200 kids standing around there also yelling and singing. My stomach literally dropped. I was like, I think I'm goin to be sick. :( I don't like making new friends or talking to people I don't know. After I say this our FCA leader imforms us that we'll be seperated into different groups and won't see each other all that much. at this point I was wanting to go lie.

I then go on to meet my absolutely awesome huddle leader, who we all called PV.:) Who has made each girl in our huddle BUZZ LIGHTYEAR HEADBANDS! My weekend suddenly got brighter. Dude, she's loves buzz too! Afterwards I find out that I'll be staying the weekend with 11 other girls in a two room cabin the rest of the weekend. Long story short, I think all of us girls became pretty tight pretty dang fast.

I can't tell you to much about Saturday here because there are way too many stories I would want to share and this is already going to be a super long blog, I can tell. But I will tell you that I spent most of that night crying my eyes out. And that it was for sure happy tears coming out. Saturday night at around 10:30 I gave my life to God. Saying that and talking about it is still bringing tears to my eyes. That was my favorite moment of the whole trip. My next favorite was the fact that another girl who came with me gave her life to Big-J( as PV would call him, she has a ton of names for him:)anddd Brian did also! It is amazing what God can do when you give him control!

Sunday was sad day. It seemed to fly by. But I had just as much fun as Saturday. oh and competitions were great! We didn't win the towel(prize for best record in competition) tho. Brian and Chance's group both had a perfect record, but Brian's group won the tiebreaker:rock, paper, scissors( i so called that game too, just saying!).

Once back at Bucklin we all told mom and Gentry all about it. I'm making her go next time even if I have to drag her there! then we told stories and talked the rest of the night. today we were all soooooooooo tired! but agreed it was totally worth it.

By the end I wasn't even close to being ready to leave. I had an absolute blast and cannot wait til the fall conference. The girls I met and PV helped me so much and in so many ways i can't explain unless its in person! So I'm now ask me sometime in best if about FCA if you wanna hear so great stories! I'm gonna close with my huddles signature:)

All my bearcats call with me now! ugggghhhhhhrrrrrrr! :) haha best time ever!
P.s- do you love your Jesus deep down in your heart?? Let the answer be yes, the feeling is wonderful when you do!

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