Sunday, December 15, 2013


Today we went to the Dodge City VFW for dinner.  They were honoring winners of the essay contest.  My daughter Hannah brought home second place!  Her friend Maddie took first and her friend Amber took third in the Junior High division.  They were to write an essay of no more than 400 words on "What Patriotism Means to Me".  What follows is what she wrote.

Patriotism.  What does it mean to have great patriotism?  Patriotism means the love of your country and the willingness to sacrifice for it.  But yet, what are we supposed to sacrifice?

In school, we learn about all these great historians who were willing to stand for what they believed in.  Let's talk about Rosa Parks for example, on December 1st of 1955; she refused to give her seat to a white passenger.  She probably knew what was going to happen to her when she did it, but she was willing to take the consequences because she wanted other people like here to have the same rights as everyone else.  I believe she showed great patriotism because she sacrificed herself for us to have a better nation.

I don't necessarily believe that you have to be willing to sacrifice something for your country to show great patriotism.  I believe that patriotism means that you are proud to be from the United States, you proudly stand when the National Anthem is played, you enjoy the freedom and rights you have as an American, and are willing to help make the country better.  It means that you are thankful for the people who served for us, and are serving now.

I found this quote that I really feel as if it relates to this and is basically describe exactly what I was thinking.  It is from and someone said, "Patriotism is not something that can be described in one word, one sentence, or in one paragraph.  It can be described in that one moment.  You just know that moment."  For me, that one moment is on the Fourth of July, when I see the American Flag waving on almost every flag pole and I see the fireworks in the background.  It reminds me why being an American is so special.  And that is What Patriotism Means to Me.

I was very impressed when I read her essay.  Her mom and I and her sister were proud to sit in the audience today as they read her name and she went forward to receive her award.  We had a great meal and she got a couple of cash awards for essay.  I don't know what Hannah will want to do when she graduates from high school.  I know she will go to college.  Who knows, maybe someday a child in the future will have to write an essay and Hannah will be their inspiration.  Whatever she does, I am sure she will be a Patriot.  It runs in her blood.  Proud of you, Boog.  We love you.

Aunt Leona

This last week we closed another chapter in the Nutty Clusters family history.  My Aunt Leona, or Aunt Onie, as we lovingly called her, passed away on Monday, December 9.  When I think of Aunt Onie I think of fishing, camping, farming, telling jokes and having fun with her family.  I remember all of the campouts we had at the Lechner farm.  I remember going to their house in Harper for family get togethers, New Year Eves or just to visit.  I remember visiting with them in South Dakota when they custom cut and we were on vacation.  We always had fun with them.

While I was driving to Harper for the funeral, I was thinking of all of these things.  During the service the pastor read the scripture for his message, Proverbs 31:10-17, 24-28.       10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. 24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.  I really think this scripture fit Aunt Onie to a T and so did the pastor as his sermon reflected on these verses and how he compared her to them.

This has been a hard year for our family. Losing Uncle Lindy in May, Randall in October and now Aunt Leona.  I have always wondered why God lets a person die so close to Christmas.  But yet there are always people who die on Christmas Day.  Losing my dad almost 5 years ago makes you notice the date and wonder why.  But, who are we to question God’s plan?  Our family has had our share of deaths in December and some of those are close to Christmas Day.  I will bet there was rejoicing in Heaven when Aunt Leona made her appearance.  Reunited with her husband, boys, sisters and parents, I am sure there were stories told.
My love and prayers go out to my Lechner cousins.  I won’t tell you it gets better, but it will.  Remember the good times (and the bad).   Share your memories with your kids so the stories are passed down and remembered.  I love you all, Ivan.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Marigolds and Family

My cousin Randall died this last week and his funeral was on Friday.  While I was unable to attend the funeral, it did not keep me from thinking of him.  Randall was 12 years older than me.  Most of my early memories are from the annual Labor Day campout the family used to have.  We would have it at the Lechner family farm north of Harper.  I remember one campout that we attended.  Most of my cousins had BB guns, but I did not.  Randall came to the rescue.  He and his girlfriend took me into town where we went to the family house and he came back out with a Daisy BB gun.  It was mine.  I still have it.  Another memory from the family campouts was the year Randall had a little too much to drink and he drove a tractor into one of Uncle Lindy’s pickups.   Randall had several hip replacements over the years.  A few years ago he was diagnosed with Leukemia.  That disease ultimately took his life.

Late Friday afternoon I was sitting on the back porch with Hannah.  She had stayed home sick from school and was sitting in the afternoon sun.  I was picking dead blooms off a Marigold plant.  I pulled the seeds out and asked her if she knew what they were.  She said they were seeds.  I told her she was correct and let the breeze blow them from my hand.  That got me thinking how a Marigold plant is like a family.

A plant grows, blooms, and then releases its seeds to establish new plants.  Follow my logic if you can.  Grandpa and Grandma Kahmeyer was the plant.  They met, their love grew and it bloomed.   From that union 10 kids were born.   Like the Marigold seeds they scattered in the wind.  While most of the family put down roots in Kansas, some went to Indiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and other spots on the map.  We even had family overseas at times.  The younger  ‘seeds’ met the love of their life, that love grew and bloomed.  Now there are more seeds being scattered to the wind.  From the first ‘plant’ there are 35 first cousins.  I won’t even try to count second and third cousins.  Let’s just say the family is big.

Some of my cousins are closer than others.  I am definitely closer to the ones that grew up in Medicine Lodge.    It doesn’t matter how long it has been between visits, when you see certain ones you can talk about anything.  And you never know when you will run into one.  Yesterday, Saturday, I was surprised by couple of those first cousins.  Dave and Bill Wiske showed up on our doorstep.   They had been to Dodge City for some reason and when they were headed back to Medicine Lodge they decided to stop and see us.  We had a short but good visit.  Hope they stop by again sometime.

As the wind blows seeds around and they establish roots, so does a family.  Everyone has the plant where they came from and they call it home.   My home was in Medicine Lodge.  While I consider Ford my home now, Medicine Lodge is still home.  To my kids, Ford is home.  Ultimately we all have a common home.  Randall has went to that home.  Rest in peace, Cuz. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Do you believe in Angels?

Ok, I know I just blogged yesterday evening, but something has been on my mind all day today and after discussing it with Susan she told me to blog about it.  So here it goes.

Yesterday morning Susan and I were sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee.  Susan realized the first day of October was coming up and she decided to get here Halloween blocks out.  These are blocks the girls and I got her for Christmas two years ago.  They were misplaced and we just found them this spring while cleaning Madison's room.
Susan's blocks

Anyway, to put them on the shelf, we had to move a mantle clock that we have.  This clock belonged to my Grandpa and Grandma Klusman.  I never met them.  This clock was at mom and dad's house for years.  Several  years ago, mom had it cleaned and 'serviced' and gave it to dad for Christmas, I believe.  Ok, I am getting there, give me time.  We have had the clock since we cleaned the folks house out.  I wound it a couple of times, but it didn't keep the best time.  I don't even know the last time it was wound.  After we moved it yesterday, about 15 minutes later, it chimed.  Twelve times.  And it continued to chime on the half hour and hour until about 9:15 or 9:30 last night.

The clock

What got me to thinking was this:  Five years ago yesterday mom died.  We moved the clock somewhere around 9:00 am.  I am pretty sure this is somewhere right around the time mom died.  Coincidence?  I don't  know.  Do I believe in ghosts?  No.  Do I believe in guardian angels?  Yes.  I have other stories about guardian angels, but they are for another time.  I believe that we all have someone special who 'watches' out for us.  Maybe this was mom's way of telling me that time has a way of easing pain.  I miss mom a lot.  There is rarely a day or two that goes by without me thinking of her.  The chiming didn't bother Susan or I.  It woke Madison up the first time.  Hannah made the comment last night that if it chimed during  the night, she was coming downstairs and sleeping on the couch.  I never heard it after 9:30.  Hannah slept in her room all night. 
Why did the clock chime?  All we did was move it off center on the shelf.  Does this bother me?  No.  Will it ever happen again?  I hope so.  Maybe it is someone saying, "Don't worry.  All will be alright."  Anyway, I am going to leave you with one more picture.   I took this in Western Kansas this spring.  Couldn't really tell what it looked like on my phone until I downloaded it to my laptop.  I see an angel.  Arms stretched out, face tilted back looking toward Heaven.  Maybe it's my guardian angel.  I think I will call her Mom.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


So, what do you pray for?  Judging by what people put on Facebook, they pray for just about anything.  Don't get me wrong, prayer is a good thing.  But, sometimes I wonder if people really think about what they are praying for. I don't really remember what I have prayed for or when I have prayed.  But I do remember what I was praying for five years ago today.  That was the day my Mom left this Earth and reunited with her loved ones in Heaven.  My siblings and I,  along with the rest of the family, was praying for Mom and for Dad. 


Sometimes prayer can be a struggle.  I have a hard time being specific about what I am praying for.  My sister, Ann, is a natural at prayer.  Any time the family is together Ann is the one to pray.  She always says just the right thing and more often than not, I end up with tears in my eyes.  Of course, that is most of the time.  If you know me I cry at just about anything. 


Are prayers answered?  To me there is no question: Yes they are.  God may not always answer your prayer the way you want it answered, but he does answer it.  Sometimes it may be days or months before they are answered.  You may not always realize it was answered.  Five years ago, our prayer was for Mom not to suffer and to go home soon.  That prayer was answered quickly.  Three short months later we had the same prayer for Dad.  They were both at peace with God and He knew it.  Our prayers ARE answered.


Today at church the scripture in the bulletin was Matthew 5 verse 4, "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted."  Just seeing those words were a comfort.  I was thinking about Mom this morning when I woke up.  Hard to believe it has been five years already.  Last weekend Susan and I attended my Uncle Kenny and Aunt Frannie's Fifty wedding anniversary party.  Seeing all of Mom's sisters together is really something.  All of them, in one way or another, remind me of Mom.  Some of them look like her.  Some sound like her.  It is really comforting to know she is not forgotten.


So, what do you pray for?  Tonight I pray for my girls, give them both strength to do things they don't want to do and for the things they do want to do.  I pray for wisdom for both of them, that they may make good decisions.  I pray for health for all my family and friends. (And my enemies.)  I pray for our nation's leaders to make wise decisions.  And, I pray for you, my friends on facebook.  Have a good and productive week.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bad blogger!

I know what you're thinking, "Wow she's has been a really bad blogger and hasn't blogged in about a month." Well I apologize, this family has a very busy schedule. With Volleyball going on, Madison being in college, and going back to school and work. We haven't really been home much.  Yet alone write a blog. So to catch you up on a couple of things, I have created the Three Things I need to Blog about List. And well here it is.

1- First day of school! This year was quite different from last year. I am the only Klusman child going to Bucklin Schools. And let me tell you, I'm not very happy with that fact. I still haven't wrapped my brain around the fact that I won't see Madison everyday. But I was probably not as nervous about this fact, as Madison was about going to college without knowing anyone.

2- I'm an Eighth grader! Whoop Whoop!  Top dog over here! The homework is a bit harder but not that much. I miss my Freshman friends a lot! And sports are going to be totally different compared to last year, which brings me to number 3.

3- Volleyball!!!!!!!! This certain subject deserves a ton of exclamation marks because my team is doing great this year! We have played Pawnee Heights, Fowler, South Gray, Minnoela, and Ashland. Out of those games, we have only lost to Fowler which we should of won. During that game however, I landed on my ankle wrong after coming down from a hit, and couldn't play the rest of the game. My ankle was very big to say the least. Couldn't walk on it Friday, and decides to go to the doctors on Monday to get it look at. I ended up not doing anything very damaging, just getting a bad sprain. Couldn't play for a week after that. Which meant I would be helping my teammates from the bench. But I am back now, and helped my team win against Minneola and Ashalnd! And so tomorrow we play Hodgeman County, and hopefully can pull out a win! I believe that this year, we meant be able to pull off another league championship!( Knock on wood for me!)

I would post some pictures on here for you but I need to go study for a history Hopefully, I filled you in on some parts that my dad( Ivan) hasn't been writing about.! And maybe I will do another blog soon or maybe I won't. Just got to keep checking!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

23 years of love.

23 years ago today, Susan took a chance.  She took a chance on this skinny, bearded, mullet wearing boy.  And what a chance it was.  At the time I was working at the local grocery store in Medicine Lodge.  In less than 5 months time I had been offered and accepted a job with Hammel Scale in Dodge City.  We moved to Dodge City in February of 1991.  And I guess, as they say, the rest is history.

Our marriage, like any marriage, has had its ups and downs.  But, we have had a lot more ups than downs.  And we made it through the downs.  What has helped us?  Love and faith in each other.  When we moved to Dodge, we just had each other.  No family to help us out.  We learned to make things happen.

I have always said that Susan was my best friend.  And I mean that.  Not only is she my best friend, she is my confidant, the one I tell all my secrets to.  She has listened to me rant and rave about work and when things don’t  work out.  She is my true love.  In fact, shortly after we started dating, I told her I was going to marry her.  She laughed.  But guess who was right.  We have been married for 23 years, but I have known her for 26 years.  A long time together.  Hopefully, many years to go.

So, today, after 23 years of marriage, two wonderful girls, four moves, (the final one to our project house) I can honestly say I would do it all over again.  There might be some things we would want to change, but I don’t think I would change anything.  Susan, it’s been a great 23 years.   I hope you never regret taking a chance on me.  I love you with all my heart. 
                               HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  I LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lady Deuces Volleyball

Today starts a new chapter in the book of Bucklin Junior High Volleyball.  Time will tell what is in the cards for these girls.  After winning the league championship last year, who knows what will happen.  Will they win league again? Time will tell, but I know one thing: I won’t bet against them!

The core of this years team is a group of eighth graders who have played together for several years.  I can remember this bunch playing together in Dodge City at the Sheridan Center when they were fourth and fifth graders.  I doubt that any of us parents could have foreseen what they have accomplished.  They have persevered for three years in Junior High and now it is their time to be the team leaders.  I am looking forward to a great year.

Although I am a basketball lover through and through, I enjoy any sport these girls are playing.  It has been a privilege to have coached them in Little Dribblers basketball and watch them compete and succeed.  They have grown from giggling little girls to young women who are capable of doing whatever they want to do.

So, I will repeat what I have told you over and over.  Listen to your coaches.  They will instruct you on what to do and they will have your back.  Your parents have your back.  Your teammates have your back.  Have fun and represent your school with pride.  Wear the red and white with pride.   

WE ARE BUCKLIN                      

Monday, August 26, 2013


Faith will move mountains.  A man of courage is also full of faith.  Faith makes things possible, not easy.   You just gotta have faith.  I'm sure everyone has their favorite faith saying.  Have you ever really, really thought about faith? 

The inspiration for this post comes from my daughter Madison.   I believe she has more faith than me.  No, I know she has more faith than me.  Last weekend was her first weekend by herself in Alva.  She didn't have a roommate, didn't know hardly anyone, but she went to church on Sunday.  Went by herself, didn't know anyone.  Sat by herself in the back of the church.  She enjoyed the service.  I know when I was at college it was extremely hard to go to church by myself.  I was very proud of her.

This weekend, she came home.  She got surprised Friday night by her boyfriend, Brian.  She was expecting him to be home.  We had a good visit, watched a couple of movies.  Sunday we went to church.  Had a very nice prayer by our pastor, Ryan Ausman.  We just hung around the house Sunday afternoon.  It got to be time for her to get on the road and you could tell she didn't want to leave.  She had a headache so that didn't help matters either.  She left around 6:30 and got to Alva around 8:30.  She got her stuff put away and saw her friends.  She called her mom about 10 and this was the story she told us.

"My head was hurting and I was listening to Christian music on my phone.  This song came on that we listened to at the pool.  It's called Worn and it really said a lot to me.  While I was listening, I was bawling my eyes out.  When the song was over, I realized my headache was gone."  To me, this is Faith.  Faith, that you know you can turn it all to Him.  Let go and let God.  (Another of those catchy phrases.) 

For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV)  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6 KJV)  And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:22-24 KJV)

Tonight she called and told us she had went to a bible study.  Talk about faith.  To go where you probably don't know anyone and be comfortable doing it.  I am proud of my girl.  Just have FAITH.
Here is my faith verse,  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 KJV)

Keep the faith, Madison.  Things will all work out.  Remember, mom and dad are just a phone call away.  And God is just a prayer away.



Read more: Tenth Avenue North - Worn Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Thursday, August 15, 2013

College Bound.

Well, today is the day.  Today we are moving our baby girl to Alva.  It seems like only yesterday that Madison started kindergarten.  Now, she is ready to start her new adventure of college.  After we load the vehicles and make last minute stops, we are off to North Western Oklahoma State University!!

It seems like this day has taken forever to get here.  Except for the last 10 months or so.  That period of time has went soooooo fast!  Her senior year was not long at all.  Now Hannah is an eighth grader and Madison a freshman in college.  I know she is ready and she is going to do great.  I hope all the life lessons we have taught her will stay with her and guide her. 

There is so much I would like to say, but it isn't necessary.  She knows how her mom and I feel about her.  She knows how proud we are to call her our daughter.  She knows that we will support her in future decisions and endeavours.  She knows how to make wise choices.  She knows who to turn to when she needs something.

Dear God,
   Look over my daughter.  Look over all of the sons and daughters as they start this new chapter of their lives.  Guide them in all of their decisions.  Be their rock, their salvation.  One they can count on in anytime of need.  Give them strength.  Give them peace and understanding.  When they come home for a visit, please be their passenger.  Keep them safe.  Let them know how much they are loved.  In Jesus name, I pray.  Amen

Good luck, Madison.  Have a great year.

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Love Ya, Dad.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Vacation 2013

Vacation was a little different this year.  On Saturday, Madison worked her last day at the Bucklin pool.  Susan, Hannah and I took the Mustang to Sun City for a little work by Rick.  We were wanting to be home in time to mow before we left, but we didn't make it.  During the night it rained.  And rained.  And rained some more.  Sunday morning I had more than 3" in the gauge.  Little to say we didn't get the yard mowed.

We left mid-morning on Sunday and went to Wichita.  Did a little shopping and headed to Topeka.  We spent the night at the Broxterman B&B.  Monday we went and played in the park with some of our favorite little ones (Addison, Easton, Hayden and Ava).  Went and visited with Kyle, Jen and the kids Monday evening.

Tuesday, we got up and headed towards St. Louis.  Hit St. Louis about rush hour.  Great planning by yours truly.  Found us a room, played in the pool.  Went and ate supper.  Time for bed.   Slept pretty good, for a motel room.  Wednesday morning found us at  the Gateway Arch.  After Hannah conquered her fear of heights, she confessed that the Arch was pretty neat.   If you have never been there, it is worth the trip.  Very cool and a nice museum underneath.  We also took a riverboat cruise.  It was fun, but pretty warm.  We survived though, we are from KANSAS!  Went  to  a movie to cool off.  Saw the new Percy Jackson.  It was good.

Thursday, we headed back towards Kansas.  Stopped at Meramec Caverns.  It was nice and cool underground.  After the tour, the girls went zip lining!  Again, Hannah was nervous because of the height.  After their training, they climbed the first tower.  Their instructor, looked at the group, looked at Hannah and said, "You're first!".  I think she was a little stunned, but she was a trooper and strapped in.  She told us later it was great and she would do it again.  After we left the cavern, we checked out an antique mall.  Didn't buy anything.  Lack of space was the only thing holding us back.  Found something to eat and decided to drive home.  We were all tired of motel rooms, being in the car and worried about home.  It had rained almost everyday since we left and we have had problems in the past with water in the basement.  Left Lebanon, MO at 5:30 pm and drove through and got home about 1:45 am.  No water in the basement.  Weeds a foot tall in the front yard.  It was a short but fun trip.  Hope the girls have more memories to remember and destinations for their kids in the future.

Friday, June 28, 2013

28 Reasons Why My Mom Is Better...

It's my Mommy's birthday! In honor of that, Hannah and I decided to create this long list.. hehe.

1. How to bring your pitch partner and yourself back from being down 32 and win.
2.She is truthful and honest. She doesn't hold anything back from us.
3.Supportive. In EVERYTHING!  She is at every event Hannah or I am in or involved with.
4.She listens. When I feel like the world is crashing down on me or when I feel as if what I am telling her is the most fantastic thing in the world.
5.She taught me to be strong. To not let anything anyone says or does, crush me.
6.To be myself. To be me and not worry if someone else cares. If I'm happy with my life, then that's what is important.
7.She does like, everything. Like for real. Dad's gone, who do I call? Mom, even when Dad is home.. haha. Dad's gone? Mom fixes it. It gets taken care of.
8. She's taught me the proper way to fold towels.
9.Not to worry constantly. To sometimes just wing it, throw caution to the windand go for it.
10.Shown me how I want to raise my kids (in the far future) and how I'd like for them to see me.
11.To try and always put my family and others first.
12. She LOVES us; all the way to the moon and back.
13.She's taught me how to love God.
14.She's shown me how to mud a wall and how to have a fun time doing it.

15. She's taught me that sometimes being weird is the best way to be.
16.To do want I love to do...Even if I'm not good at it. But she'll always support me.
17. Be outrageous! Meet new people because those strangers might just end up to be your best friend.
18.Treat people with respect, you never know what they are going through.
19.Learn how to love who you are. God made us all perfect in his eyes, so why worry what other people think of you.
20.Taught us to be proud of your accomplishments and your failures.
21.Girls can do anything a man can do and we can do it faster.
22.Be thankful for your family and things. It all can be gone in a blink.
23.Find a man who treats you right.
24.Love your family and friends more than anything in the world.
25.Trust in God and everything will be fine.
26.Believe in yourself. Believe that you can do anything your set your mind too,
27.She throws the best birthday parties.
28.She has been the best mother for the last 18 and will continue to be forever the rest of time.

Love you Mommy!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Not enough time.

Spent some time in Harper, KS today.  This was one of those visits you don't always like to do.  Our extended family gathered to pay our last respects for my Uncle, Lindy Lechner.  LL, as he was affectionately called, was my Mom's brother in law.  I am sure he was much more than a brother in law, but that is what he was.  LL was ornery, funny, out spoken, supportive.  He was a story teller, a prankster.  And he was loved.  That was evident by the crowd in attendance.  All of the remaining Kahmeyer siblings were there.  Aunt Ruby, Uncle Dale, Aunt Eunice, Aunt Boots, Aunt Doris, Aunt Francis, and Aunt Sue.  Of course, Aunt Leona and her kids.  All of my siblings were there.  Every family of this large group was represented.  Of course, the Lechner side was also there.

Being around all of this family made me realize something.  Life isn't long enough.  There is not enough time to take care of all your responsibilities, be it work or your own family, and be able to take the time to visit with your relatives.  I mean, to really be able to sit down and talk to your Aunts and Uncles, your cousins, sometimes your own brothers or sisters.  Then you have a day like today.  I took time to speak to each of my Aunts and their husbands and my Uncle.  But it isn't enough.  Five or ten minutes is not enough time to convey how much these people mean to you.

When I was a kid, I thought 'these people aren't that old'.  Now I am 46, and these people are getting old.  We are all getting old.  It seems like some of these people you only see at funerals.  In fact, my cousin Tim commented, "It's pretty bad you have to go to a funeral to see each other."  That's so true.  And there will be more in  the future. 

At the dinner following the funeral somebody said that there was a party in Heaven.  See, my cousin Gary, Uncle Lindy's son, died in 1982. (I hope that was the right year).  Our Uncle Roland and Aunt Em died several years ago.  Uncle John a few years ago.  My Mom and Dad five years ago.  Uncle Dwayne, last year.  Other cousins also.  I bet it was a party.  The minister today used John 11:21-27 as his Gospel reading.  Verses 25 and 26 read, "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life:  he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.  Believest thou this?"

I don't know about you, but I believe.  We will be reunited with our loved ones if we trust in God.  I also believe that we should put aside any differences we have.  Life is to short to be mad or unhappy with family.  Mend those broken fences.  Make an effort to visit with those loved ones.  Especially the older ones.  They are our history.  If we don't listen to their stories and recollections, they're gone.  And they can't be replaced.  I'm not trying to preach, just been thinking since the funeral this morning.  Life isn't long enough.  I'm going to try and make an effort to visit with those relatives.  Will you?

Rest in peace, Uncle Lindy.  You will be missed.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Losing a Mom

I had a classmate lose his mother this last week.  I say classmate, but I should be more specific.  Mike and I were best friends in high school.  We were almost inseparable.  I was always welcome at his house and he was always welcome at mine.  Our dads knew each other before we were born.  I guess we were meant to be friends. 

I have many fond memories of Mike’s mom, Margaret.  One thing that comes to mind is that you could always find a ‘pop’ at their house.  Margaret was a savvy shopper.  She always stocked up and if you couldn’t find it, you probably didn’t need it.  It’s kind of funny the things that you remember.  We are talking 30 + years ago.  Margaret always made you welcome at their house.  Margaret tolerated a lot of things that Mike and I did.  I remember building all kinds of things in Mike’s basement workshop.  I remember staying there the night before the 4th of July.  We slept on the trampoline.  Don’t know if we slept or not, but we were up most of the night. 

I talked to Mike on the phone today.  He told me his mom was at peace when she decided to have surgery again.  He said that made coping with everything easier.  Losing a parent is not easy, though.  The easy parts are the memories:  The things that you will never forget, no matter how old you are.  Hold on to those memories and pass them on to your kids.

In the end, it’s hard.  Death that is. It seems that it should be the easier part of life.  I mean we are all destined to die.  You‘re born, you live your life, and you die. It sounds simple, but it isn’t.  It sounded like Margaret was ready and at peace.  For that, I am thankful.  Tonight, we should all say a prayer of thanks for the moms in our lives.  Not only our birth moms, but also our extended moms.  I have had many extended moms in my life and I am proud to say Margaret was one of them.   

And Mike, I hope you get to have a ‘good’ day with your Dad.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Madison Lane

Well, Madison Lane, you made it!  I don’t know what you are more excited about:  turning 18 or graduating from high school.  Both of them are pretty momentous occasions and you have the pleasure of doing them both on the same day.  Eighteen years ago you were born on a Thursday and came home from the hospital on Sunday, Mother’s Day.  I always thought that was cool.  But this year, you graduate on Saturday and Mother’s Day is the next day.  That is pretty cool also.

I know over the last several years we have had our ups and downs.  But isn’t that the way life should be?  It would be pretty boring to have everything on the same level.  I can’t even begin to count how many times I have told you the same thing over and over.  One of them is: Being a parent is the hardest job you will ever have.  I really believe that and I am sure your mom does too.  Being the rule maker, judge, jury and the enforcer isn’t much fun.  But it has to be done.  Being a parent means discipline, being a good role model and teaching your children to respect themselves.  I hope we have done a good job.  I hope you are ready to enter this thing we call the ‘real world’.  You know what, I know you are.

I’ve noticed several things about you over the last several months.  I see responsibility, something not a lot of seventeen (and now eighteen) year olds have.  I see compassion.  I see respect (most of the time, not always, but most).  You love the Lord.  You love your family.  You are good with little kids.  Teaching will be a great profession for you.  You are yourself. You are never afraid to speak your mind.  A good trait, most of the time.  Learn to use it wisely.  I see a woman who is sure of herself and knows what she wants. 

When you were born I wanted several things for you.  Now I only have one.  I want you to be happy and embrace life.  Go into the ‘real world’ and make your mark on it.  And, when you get married and have kids of your own, remember to tell them what the hardest job in the world is.  Your mom and I are very proud of you and what you have accomplished.  Remember, graduation isn’t the end.  It’s the beginning of a new and wonderful adventure.  One you are ready for.

Oh, I have one more thing to tell you.  The summer before you started high school I was talking to you and a friend.  Gentry? Or Kaysha?  I don’t remember for sure (I’m getting old).  Anyway, I told you to enjoy high school.  It will be the best time of your life and you will make lifelong friends.  I may have been wrong.  I think the best time of life is watching your baby walk across the stage and get her diploma.  So very proud of you! 

I’m hoping I have all the tears cried out of me before the ceremony.  You know how sentimental I get.  I mean I cry during Folgers commercials for goodness sake.  One last piece of advice?  Ok, here it is.  Enjoy life.   Jim Valvano, college basketball coach who died from cancer, said “If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day.  That’s a heck of day.  You do that seven days a week, you’re going to have something special.”  I love you Sis.      


Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday, Mom!  Hard to believe it’s been five years since we celebrated your last birthday.  We had an awesome day in Attica.  Most of your sisters were there and we had a great day.  Little did we know that would be your last birthday with us.  So much has happened in the last five years, I don’t know where to start.

Madison is graduating in less than a month!  Where has the time gone?  Madison has grown so much and is a very pretty young woman.  She has really buckled down her Senior year and has had a great year in school.  She is very conscientious about her studies.  We have an honors banquet coming up.  The school honors the students who have been on the honor roll the previous nine weeks.  Madison is very proud of the fact she has been on the Honor Roll throughout high school.  I believe there are seven or eight kids in her class that will have the same honor.  It is pretty awesome.

After she graduates, she plans on going to Northwestern in Alva.  She wants to be a teacher!  I think she will do an awesome job.  She really does good with young kids.  She has been a teachers aid this year, helping with the third grade.  We are really proud of her.  This is such a bittersweet time.  We know she is ready to go to college, but it is going to be such a big change.  I see great things in store for her.  She is going to be a big success.

Wow, what can I say about Hannah?  I really don’t know where to start.  She is so competitive in everything she does.  She has played some sort of competitive sport for several years now.  Last year as a sixth grader she started volleyball coming off the bench for the varsity, ended up playing quite a bit and lettered.  In basketball, she started every game as a varsity member.  The team wasn’t too successful, but they gave their all.  She also ran track and lettered in track as well.  Three varsity letters as a sixth grader!

This year volleyball started out very well.  They ended up winning the league tournament!  Then in basketball, they had an awesome year.  They won the league tournament in basketball as well.  Hannah started every game, but one.  Five eighth graders started that game.  Now she is doing track.  Time will tell how they end up.  She pulled a muscle in the first meet and has had to sit out a couple of weeks.

She is also doing very well in school.  She really holds herself to a very high standard.  She took great pride throughout volleyball and basketball season to maintain an A in every class.  Both of the girls were also Cheerleaders this year.  They were both very busy.  I don’t know what the future holds for Hannah, but whatever it is, she is going to do very well.  Oh, did I mention that Hannah had a formal dance this year?  She looked very pretty and Susan and I got to chaperone!  We had a great time.  Hannah is also a very pretty young lady and is really growing up fast.

I know you are watching over the girls, but I really wish I could share their accomplishments in person with you.  Susan and I are very, very proud of our girls.  They have really grown up well and as you can tell, we are extremely proud of them.  Love ya, Mom.  I miss you.   Ivan

Friday, April 12, 2013

What to post!? :/

Since I have absolutely no idea of what we have blogged about this year, so I'm going to give a brief summary. If I write something that has already been written about, bare with me.(:

First, Track!
To start off this topic, I'm just going to tell you that Track isn't one of my most "liked' sports. I can deal of it, but if it was up to me, I probably wouldn't being doing it. Anyways, my first meet was like two weeks ago. Something like that. And I ran the 100, got hurt, and being the brave person I am.( Typing that with a raised  eyebrow(: ) Finished my running events that night. I was in a medley! If you don't know what a medley is, it is two 100's, one 200, and one special person gets to run a 400! Well, guess who the special person was. ME! I didn't have to run it though, because I got hurt. Instead i ran the 200! My favorite race!  Since I got hurt, I haven't been able to go to practice for Two weeks!!! But I start again Monday! Hopefully I can be able to breath!

Second, My second Jr. High dance this year.
As you may remember I had my first one in October in the theme of Halloween. This time though was just a formal one. Buttttt we had a little game time first! I was in charge of Minute to Win it!( that was the best game,in my opinion!) They both were a blast and I can't wait for next year! Pictures will hopefully be up soon!(:

Lastly, My sister has less then one month of school before she will be a Northwestern Ranger! ( EP! Has she wrote about that?) :/ Anyways, these days are pretty busy! As I'm writing this Madison is in Colorado on her Band trip! And I miss her terribly! Back to point though! We have been getting stuff for Prom, Graduation, her birthday, and any thing else that will happen in a couple of weeks though! I don't know if I'm willing to let Madison graduate yet, I'm not liking the idea of her being two hours away everyday! I mean who's going to bother her and who am I going to gripe at every morning! And I'm going to miss our special occasion movie nights when ever we want to have them! It's also going to be really quite all the time.  :'(

On a happier note! I only have a month left of school!(:

P.S. If you're reading this Madison, I just want to say I LOVE YOU!(:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Growin' Up

My baby sister is growing up too fast! :'( We have our big fights, but I think it's just because she gets more and more like me everyday. Even though she's about five years younger than me, she is still one of my best friends. An even if she doesn't believe me, she teaches me things all the time. Since she turned thirteen, I think I'll make a list of thirteen things she's taught me.
:)Here goes:

1. Every brunette girl needs a blonde best friend.
2. We can get on each others' nerves to the point of yelling.
3. Two brains are way more creative than just one.
4. She will always have my back...and my front.
5.  True friends will do almost anything you ask of them. Even if it embarrasses them at first.
(I'm so happy she has a James Park Stout as her best friend.)
6. Big sisters are allowed to be biased.
( I will always think she's the prettier sister and the prettiest girl I know. )
7. No idea is a bad idea, when you have someone to share the experience with.
8. It is my job to protect her from the evils of this world; specifically older boys because she is so gosh dang gorgeous.
9. Being one of her role models isn't a bad thing, as long as I'm willing to set a good example.
(Same number as her big sis!)
10. Being goofy is a great thing to be.

11. She will never find a man that I think is good enough for her. An if she does, I'm not going to admit that to him.
12. We're each others' number one fan.
13. She will always be there for me, no matter what.

One Extra!- She is my other half. My picture for a frame. My 'make me smile' when I feel like punching someone. My shoulder to lean and cry on. 

I love you, Nana. :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Homecoming! Part Two!

The large item for the month of February for me was that I got nominated for basketball homecoming! Unlike football homecoming it is rather new to BHS, just being brought back onto the list of school events. An I mean extremely new to list, we weren't even positive about it happening until February.
Although I didn't win, all of the girls that were nominated are very close friends of mine, so I'm happy for the on that did! They all looked fabulous that  night! I'm not going to post much more, but I have plenty of photos to put up!

Daddy and his girls. 
These two just I because I think they're cute. (:

I really like this one simply because of Emmerson at the bottom, she originally didn't want in the picture but I guess she changed her mind!
The whole group, we like to be silly!

The little sister!
And lastly, my great partner for the night, Chancey Pants!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

'98 Mustang!

Oh goodness! Where to start, I do not know! I haven't blogged in, let's see.. FOREVER! Although, I haven't blogged all school year, but I guess I'll just simply start in January. Going all the way back to the beginning to the school year would probably a confusion of exact facts and then also I lack of memory to be able to bring up all the important things that have happened this year! :)

The really big event in January was that, I finally got a car! We bought a 1998 mustang from a friend here in Ford, on January 12! Ha, the reason I remember the date so well is because that is also Brian's birthday! So don't think I'm weird for remembering the EXACT day I got it. He also got a new vehicle, but I'm not going to lie, I think that mine is better. ;)

We've been looking at cars for me for quite sometime. Never settling one on we all agreed was suitable to take to college (at that point, the location of said college was not chosen).  When Lori put on facebook that she was selling her car, mom and dad discussed over the car for awhile, then decided we should go check it out. I'm pretty sure, I had already decided for us that this would be my car. ;)

Anyways, most have already seen it on facebook, but I'll post a few photos on here though! Oh, by the way it was absolutely freezing out that day, but mom insisted I go take pictures right away. Good thing she did!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Junior High Basketball-Seventh Grade Year

Well, another year of basketball has passed us by.  Hannah's 7th grade year started out interesting.  We had a new head coach, Bev Kreutzer and a new assistant coach, Heather Evans.  Bev has been Hannahs volleyball coach the last two years and is very dedicated to being a coach.  The girls really like and respect her also.  That means a lot.  Anyway.....

We lost our first two games of the year.  Hodgeman County on the road and South Gray at home.  Coach K told the girls that those were two of the best teams they would play.  Hodgeman County was a pretty close game, we lost by six.  Hannah scored 14 points in that game.  Several of the girls were wishing they could play them again.  South Gray was a pretty ugly game.  We got beat 35-6.  It was tough, but those girls are good.  They probably will be for a few years.

#24-5'8" 7th Grader--Hannah Klusman
We then went on a little winning streak.  We played Ashland at their house.  Beat them 26-18.  Started a little slow, but closed out real good.  Sierra C. was high point girl for the game with 9, Hannah had 8.  Then we played Minneola at home.  We won 42-15.  Sierra C. was high point again with 13, Boog had 6.  I should point out that Boog went from #24 in the first game to wearing #00 the rest of the season.

We played Spearvill at home and lost 29-18.  Boog was high point for the game with 7.  Sierra C and Nina W each had 4.  We played Pawnee Heights at Rozell.  Don't know the score of the game or who had high points.  I know Boog had 13 and I think Nina W had 15.  I think.  We were pretty over whelming for the game.  We pressed at least the first half.

  Then we went to Ingalls.  We have a pretty good rivalry with Ingalls.  We played them for the Championship in volleyball and beat them.  And, the coach doesn't like Ingalls.  We won 35-28.  Boog had high points with 16. Nina W chipped in 6 and Arianna O and Rylie P each had 4.  Before the game both teams were tied for first in the league.  When we left we were alone at the top at 4-0.

Next was the next front runner in the league, Fowler.  A close game, this one.  We ended up winning 18-15.  We were down at half, 15-13, but kept them scoreless in the second half!!  Woo Hoo!  Boog had high points with 6, Sierra C had 5.  5-0 in league and the number 1 seed in the tournament.

We had two non-league games to finish out the regular season.  Went to South Central and lost35-21.  South Central had at least two times the players on their roster.  Boog and Faith I tied for high points with 6.  Sierra C added 5.  Out last game was Kiowa County at home.  For some reason, in volleyball and basketball, the girls are intimidated by  Kiowa County.  It was a good game, one that we should have won.  Lost 27-23.  Nina W was high points with 10.  Boog had 4.  This was the only game the last two years that Boog didn't start.  All eighth graders started and we will miss them next year.

TOURNAMENT TIME!!!  Our first game of the tournament was against the hosts, Minneola.  We really dominated this game, winning 24-6.   Again, we held them scoreless in the second half.  Good game.  Boog had high points with 7, Sierra C had 6 and Nina W had 5.  Now we had to play our rival, Ingalls for the gold.

Going down
My head hurts
Game started out kind of rough for us.  We were down 7-4 after the first quarter.  It was during the first quarter win Boog went up for a rebound, was pushed and fell to the court, hitting her head.

Give me the BALL
We responded well in the second outscoring them 10-2, led at halftime 14-9.  Boog had 11 points in the first half.  After halftime we kept up our defensive pressure, limiting Ingalls to 2 points in the third.  21-11 after three.
Playing D!

The fourth quarter proved to be a bit of a struggle.  Boog fouled out with about 3:30 to play.  First game she fouled out all year.  Left it all on the court.  Bucklin held back a furious rally down the stretch by Ingalls to win the game 23-20!  Boog had high points for the game with 13.  Nina W chipped in 6.  Good game to all.  League champs in volleyball and basketball for the 2012-13 school year!!
I am already looking forward to next year.  From winning one game last year, to winning league this year, what is going to happen next year?  Great year, Lady Deuces!!  It was a heck of a ride!

'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.' Philippians 4:13 KJV