Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bad blogger!

I know what you're thinking, "Wow she's has been a really bad blogger and hasn't blogged in about a month." Well I apologize, this family has a very busy schedule. With Volleyball going on, Madison being in college, and going back to school and work. We haven't really been home much.  Yet alone write a blog. So to catch you up on a couple of things, I have created the Three Things I need to Blog about List. And well here it is.

1- First day of school! This year was quite different from last year. I am the only Klusman child going to Bucklin Schools. And let me tell you, I'm not very happy with that fact. I still haven't wrapped my brain around the fact that I won't see Madison everyday. But I was probably not as nervous about this fact, as Madison was about going to college without knowing anyone.

2- I'm an Eighth grader! Whoop Whoop!  Top dog over here! The homework is a bit harder but not that much. I miss my Freshman friends a lot! And sports are going to be totally different compared to last year, which brings me to number 3.

3- Volleyball!!!!!!!! This certain subject deserves a ton of exclamation marks because my team is doing great this year! We have played Pawnee Heights, Fowler, South Gray, Minnoela, and Ashland. Out of those games, we have only lost to Fowler which we should of won. During that game however, I landed on my ankle wrong after coming down from a hit, and couldn't play the rest of the game. My ankle was very big to say the least. Couldn't walk on it Friday, and decides to go to the doctors on Monday to get it look at. I ended up not doing anything very damaging, just getting a bad sprain. Couldn't play for a week after that. Which meant I would be helping my teammates from the bench. But I am back now, and helped my team win against Minneola and Ashalnd! And so tomorrow we play Hodgeman County, and hopefully can pull out a win! I believe that this year, we meant be able to pull off another league championship!( Knock on wood for me!)

I would post some pictures on here for you but I need to go study for a history Hopefully, I filled you in on some parts that my dad( Ivan) hasn't been writing about.! And maybe I will do another blog soon or maybe I won't. Just got to keep checking!


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