Monday, September 30, 2013

Do you believe in Angels?

Ok, I know I just blogged yesterday evening, but something has been on my mind all day today and after discussing it with Susan she told me to blog about it.  So here it goes.

Yesterday morning Susan and I were sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee.  Susan realized the first day of October was coming up and she decided to get here Halloween blocks out.  These are blocks the girls and I got her for Christmas two years ago.  They were misplaced and we just found them this spring while cleaning Madison's room.
Susan's blocks

Anyway, to put them on the shelf, we had to move a mantle clock that we have.  This clock belonged to my Grandpa and Grandma Klusman.  I never met them.  This clock was at mom and dad's house for years.  Several  years ago, mom had it cleaned and 'serviced' and gave it to dad for Christmas, I believe.  Ok, I am getting there, give me time.  We have had the clock since we cleaned the folks house out.  I wound it a couple of times, but it didn't keep the best time.  I don't even know the last time it was wound.  After we moved it yesterday, about 15 minutes later, it chimed.  Twelve times.  And it continued to chime on the half hour and hour until about 9:15 or 9:30 last night.

The clock

What got me to thinking was this:  Five years ago yesterday mom died.  We moved the clock somewhere around 9:00 am.  I am pretty sure this is somewhere right around the time mom died.  Coincidence?  I don't  know.  Do I believe in ghosts?  No.  Do I believe in guardian angels?  Yes.  I have other stories about guardian angels, but they are for another time.  I believe that we all have someone special who 'watches' out for us.  Maybe this was mom's way of telling me that time has a way of easing pain.  I miss mom a lot.  There is rarely a day or two that goes by without me thinking of her.  The chiming didn't bother Susan or I.  It woke Madison up the first time.  Hannah made the comment last night that if it chimed during  the night, she was coming downstairs and sleeping on the couch.  I never heard it after 9:30.  Hannah slept in her room all night. 
Why did the clock chime?  All we did was move it off center on the shelf.  Does this bother me?  No.  Will it ever happen again?  I hope so.  Maybe it is someone saying, "Don't worry.  All will be alright."  Anyway, I am going to leave you with one more picture.   I took this in Western Kansas this spring.  Couldn't really tell what it looked like on my phone until I downloaded it to my laptop.  I see an angel.  Arms stretched out, face tilted back looking toward Heaven.  Maybe it's my guardian angel.  I think I will call her Mom.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


So, what do you pray for?  Judging by what people put on Facebook, they pray for just about anything.  Don't get me wrong, prayer is a good thing.  But, sometimes I wonder if people really think about what they are praying for. I don't really remember what I have prayed for or when I have prayed.  But I do remember what I was praying for five years ago today.  That was the day my Mom left this Earth and reunited with her loved ones in Heaven.  My siblings and I,  along with the rest of the family, was praying for Mom and for Dad. 


Sometimes prayer can be a struggle.  I have a hard time being specific about what I am praying for.  My sister, Ann, is a natural at prayer.  Any time the family is together Ann is the one to pray.  She always says just the right thing and more often than not, I end up with tears in my eyes.  Of course, that is most of the time.  If you know me I cry at just about anything. 


Are prayers answered?  To me there is no question: Yes they are.  God may not always answer your prayer the way you want it answered, but he does answer it.  Sometimes it may be days or months before they are answered.  You may not always realize it was answered.  Five years ago, our prayer was for Mom not to suffer and to go home soon.  That prayer was answered quickly.  Three short months later we had the same prayer for Dad.  They were both at peace with God and He knew it.  Our prayers ARE answered.


Today at church the scripture in the bulletin was Matthew 5 verse 4, "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted."  Just seeing those words were a comfort.  I was thinking about Mom this morning when I woke up.  Hard to believe it has been five years already.  Last weekend Susan and I attended my Uncle Kenny and Aunt Frannie's Fifty wedding anniversary party.  Seeing all of Mom's sisters together is really something.  All of them, in one way or another, remind me of Mom.  Some of them look like her.  Some sound like her.  It is really comforting to know she is not forgotten.


So, what do you pray for?  Tonight I pray for my girls, give them both strength to do things they don't want to do and for the things they do want to do.  I pray for wisdom for both of them, that they may make good decisions.  I pray for health for all my family and friends. (And my enemies.)  I pray for our nation's leaders to make wise decisions.  And, I pray for you, my friends on facebook.  Have a good and productive week.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bad blogger!

I know what you're thinking, "Wow she's has been a really bad blogger and hasn't blogged in about a month." Well I apologize, this family has a very busy schedule. With Volleyball going on, Madison being in college, and going back to school and work. We haven't really been home much.  Yet alone write a blog. So to catch you up on a couple of things, I have created the Three Things I need to Blog about List. And well here it is.

1- First day of school! This year was quite different from last year. I am the only Klusman child going to Bucklin Schools. And let me tell you, I'm not very happy with that fact. I still haven't wrapped my brain around the fact that I won't see Madison everyday. But I was probably not as nervous about this fact, as Madison was about going to college without knowing anyone.

2- I'm an Eighth grader! Whoop Whoop!  Top dog over here! The homework is a bit harder but not that much. I miss my Freshman friends a lot! And sports are going to be totally different compared to last year, which brings me to number 3.

3- Volleyball!!!!!!!! This certain subject deserves a ton of exclamation marks because my team is doing great this year! We have played Pawnee Heights, Fowler, South Gray, Minnoela, and Ashland. Out of those games, we have only lost to Fowler which we should of won. During that game however, I landed on my ankle wrong after coming down from a hit, and couldn't play the rest of the game. My ankle was very big to say the least. Couldn't walk on it Friday, and decides to go to the doctors on Monday to get it look at. I ended up not doing anything very damaging, just getting a bad sprain. Couldn't play for a week after that. Which meant I would be helping my teammates from the bench. But I am back now, and helped my team win against Minneola and Ashalnd! And so tomorrow we play Hodgeman County, and hopefully can pull out a win! I believe that this year, we meant be able to pull off another league championship!( Knock on wood for me!)

I would post some pictures on here for you but I need to go study for a history Hopefully, I filled you in on some parts that my dad( Ivan) hasn't been writing about.! And maybe I will do another blog soon or maybe I won't. Just got to keep checking!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

23 years of love.

23 years ago today, Susan took a chance.  She took a chance on this skinny, bearded, mullet wearing boy.  And what a chance it was.  At the time I was working at the local grocery store in Medicine Lodge.  In less than 5 months time I had been offered and accepted a job with Hammel Scale in Dodge City.  We moved to Dodge City in February of 1991.  And I guess, as they say, the rest is history.

Our marriage, like any marriage, has had its ups and downs.  But, we have had a lot more ups than downs.  And we made it through the downs.  What has helped us?  Love and faith in each other.  When we moved to Dodge, we just had each other.  No family to help us out.  We learned to make things happen.

I have always said that Susan was my best friend.  And I mean that.  Not only is she my best friend, she is my confidant, the one I tell all my secrets to.  She has listened to me rant and rave about work and when things don’t  work out.  She is my true love.  In fact, shortly after we started dating, I told her I was going to marry her.  She laughed.  But guess who was right.  We have been married for 23 years, but I have known her for 26 years.  A long time together.  Hopefully, many years to go.

So, today, after 23 years of marriage, two wonderful girls, four moves, (the final one to our project house) I can honestly say I would do it all over again.  There might be some things we would want to change, but I don’t think I would change anything.  Susan, it’s been a great 23 years.   I hope you never regret taking a chance on me.  I love you with all my heart. 
                               HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  I LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lady Deuces Volleyball

Today starts a new chapter in the book of Bucklin Junior High Volleyball.  Time will tell what is in the cards for these girls.  After winning the league championship last year, who knows what will happen.  Will they win league again? Time will tell, but I know one thing: I won’t bet against them!

The core of this years team is a group of eighth graders who have played together for several years.  I can remember this bunch playing together in Dodge City at the Sheridan Center when they were fourth and fifth graders.  I doubt that any of us parents could have foreseen what they have accomplished.  They have persevered for three years in Junior High and now it is their time to be the team leaders.  I am looking forward to a great year.

Although I am a basketball lover through and through, I enjoy any sport these girls are playing.  It has been a privilege to have coached them in Little Dribblers basketball and watch them compete and succeed.  They have grown from giggling little girls to young women who are capable of doing whatever they want to do.

So, I will repeat what I have told you over and over.  Listen to your coaches.  They will instruct you on what to do and they will have your back.  Your parents have your back.  Your teammates have your back.  Have fun and represent your school with pride.  Wear the red and white with pride.