On Mother's Day mom and dad decided they were going to start on their pond idea. After a couple of hours dad and i had most of the digging done. For a couple weeks it was just a great big whole in our backyard! But this weekend we got the liner and rocks and started putting it together. After we got the liner in we filled it up with water it was quite chilly if I may say. Madison and mom then went into Dodge to get the stuff you put into pond so you can have fish! We got about 15 fish but 3 died.:( Madison and I got two big fish to name hers is a white one with black and orange spot. She named it Squirt. My fish is a bright gold one, his name is Mr. Bubbles!:) I wish our camera was working so I could show you guys pictures! It looks really great!
P.s. Dad when are you going to work on the bathroom project??;)
I want to see pictures! Sounds awesome! =)